Oboe Class
Welcome to Oboe Class!
We are an Upper School Class who love to laugh, make a mess and have a lot of energy!
PERSONAL: We are learning to regulate our emotions using the Zones of Regulation, develop our attention skills through bucket time and build relationships with peers and staff.
PHYSICAL: We start each morning with a physical activity, such as sensory processing, playground games, yoga and more! This forms part of the ‘healthy lifestyle’ we are aiming for and helps get us ready to learn. Within our PE lessons, we explore the unit focus (e.g. gymnastics), through child led activities which develop our balance, agility and co-ordination using large apparatus and small dynamic objects. We also develop our gross motor skills through swimming and a weekly visit in the local community focused on developing our physical.
INDEPENDENCE: We are learning how to be independent around the classroom, school and in the community. We have opportunities to develop life skills built into our curriculum, including visiting the shops, cooking, doing the washing up and laundry!
COGNITIVE: Our We actively participate in the six curriculum areas: My Self, My Physical, My Communication, My Thinking, My World and My Creativity. Our lessons consist of child-initiated learning which is complimented by individualised learning tasks. We thrive through learning in practical and sensory methods. Where possible, learning tasks are tailored to be applicable and relevant to real life skills.
COMMUNICATION: Communication is an integral part of our curriculum and we have opportunities to practise and develop our communication skills across all of our curriculum areas. We use a variety of methods to communicate including Makaton, Aided Language Displays, BSL, speech and communication books.