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Icknield School

Icknield School

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Pupil Premium



Pupil Premium is an allocation of additional funding provided to schools to support specific groups of children who are vulnerable to possible underachievement. These include students who are entitled to free school meals; children looked after by the local authority and the children of armed service personnel.


Pupil Premium at Icknield School


At Icknield School we have identified the following barriers to educational achievement faced by some of our pupils in receipt of pupil premium funding:


  • Behaviour creating barriers to learning

  • Lack of communication skills

  • Poor self-esteem

  • Reduced physical skills

  • Sensory needs

  • Lack of resilience

  • Emotional barriers to progress



At Icknield School funding is used to meet individual needs to overcome barriers to learning and to promote individual progress in specific areas as identified through assessment and discussion with staff, parents and other professionals. The Pupil Premium money is focused on precise areas to support pupils to make progress which will enable them to continue to make advances and lead them to become as independent as possible in the future. The focused use of Pupil Premium has been effective in raising standards for individual pupils.


