Trumpet Class
Welcome to Trumpet Class!
PERSONAL: Trumpet class consists of a wonderful group of pupils and staff who are learning to respect each other, socialise and work well together. We are learning to express ourselves and understand our emotions and those of others and we are finding the Zones of Regulation helpful. We know what we like and what we don’t like. We are encouraged to try new things. We take part in Rights Respecting Assemblies and are active participants in charity events.
PHYSICAL: We start most days with a physical activity such as yoga, physio and playground games. This forms part of the ‘healthy lifestyle’ we are aiming for and helps get us ready to learn. We also have P.E. lessons to develop and improve gross motor skills including swimming and gymnastics skills. There are opportunities for us to develop fine motor skills throughout the day.
INDEPENDENCE: We are working on becoming as independent as we can be in the classroom, around school and in the local community. We have to look after our own belongings and have class responsibilities. We are given opportunities to develop skills in cooking, shopping and travelling, making sure we keep safe. We walk to the local supermarket to buy the food we need for cooking and practise crossing roads. We use the school minibus to extend our learning in the local area.
COGNITIVE: We actively participate in the six curriculum areas: My Self, My Physical, My Communication, My Thinking, My World and My Creativity. Our learning is linked to a topic where this is relevant for us. We like to use practical and interesting resources to aid our learning. We use Numicon to support our understanding of numbers and the number system. Learning to read and write looks very different for most of us. We learn through a variety of methods.
COMMUNICATION: This is very important to us. We are supported to communicate by using the best means for each of us including communication books and devices, the use of symbols and Makaton. Each week we practise the signs for the week ready for assembly on Friday. We are encouraged to communicate with each other all day long.